W:G - Reading Help

Redactions and Work-In-Progress Work

Warzone: Gannach is constantly being written, rewritten, and expanded. An issue of this is that I am not a motivated individual with the key word there being "individual". I am one man. As such, the narratives surrounding the Gannach sector are a patchwork of my real life painting projects, writing prompts, as well as serving as a library of my painted models. Since a lot of my models are not painted yet, at least not to a standard befitting the characters they represent, I have chosen to omit them from the records here for the time being. 

You will likely see this image rather frequently as you scroll through this portion of the site. My intention is for it to stand in as a placeholder for images and blocks of text that are not finished yet. If a particular topic is of interest to you, make sure to bookmark and check back frequently. If I'm taking too long, give me a nudge over on the socials or comment on the page you find interesting. I love feedback and will be quick to get back to work if I know someone is enjoying it. 

Update Log

Rather self-explanatory, I know. The Update Log serves as a way for me to document changes to various pages and characters. As a reader, you can use this to check out points of interest and where to go first. The Update Log is dated, allowing you to get a rough idea of when things were written and get some insight into how active I may, or not, be. 

The Update Log can be found at the bottom of the Warzone: Gannach landing page. 

Suggested Reading

If you see a 📑 icon, it will usually be accompanied by a link. This is generally where I want to note some suggested reading or something you may want to check out before you continue down a certain page. This is, of course, completely optional and serves to hopefully provide some context. Do with it as you wish.

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