Thursday, September 30, 2021

Monthly Vox: 5 (September, 2021)

 Howdy ho! September's Monthly Vox will either be late or certainly cutting it close, I've just been so busy! This month has been pretty crazy for me. I turned 22 and I'm going back to Uni to study Software Engineering on the 2nd. This combined with work is gonna slurp up most of my free time but I'll still be doing my best to post here. Anyway, I digress. This blog is about hobbying and warhammer, not my life. 

Both have certainly delivered over September, no doubt about that:

Modelling and Painting

I haven't had much time to take an inventory of models this month but I can certainly say the number has gone back up and will continue to climb over October as I hoover up all the upcoming Black Templar releases

Bladeguard Veterans w/ New Templar Scheme 


This month, I've been trying to rework how I handle painting my Black Templar force. The current method I have was fine while I was first learning to paint but I think I can do better. I'll be slowly trying to repaint my force over the coming months to deeper reds and a more "cobalt" looking black armour, as well as a few smaller tweaks like power sword and plasma colours. 

I painted up one of the spare Bladeguard Veterans I had and also converted the Indomitus Primaris Lieutenant from Issue 1 of Imperium Magazine since I already own the exact model. I figured he would make an excellent Bladeguard Sword Brother. 

Neither of the models are perfect but they're both a step in the right direction for the scheme, in my opinion. It also helped me gain more confidence with edge highlights and non-metalics.

Assault Intercessor Sergeant w/ New Templar Scheme

One of the original test models I used for the new scheme was this Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol. I run this loadout frequently on my magnetised Assault Intercessor Sergeants so I used some of my spare bits to make a static model for the loadout with a cooler pose, since posing is generally sacrificed a bit when you magnetise. 

He's a bit rough around the edges and isn't quite finished since he was more of a proof of concept, but I thought he deserved a mention.

Royal Warden 

The first Necron (not counting bases) that I've painted, I chose the Nihilakh dynasty because they have bling and seemed like one of the more interesting Necron schemes to paint. All in all, very little to say. I think he turned out alright. Possible Necron force joining the Gannach conflict? 👀

Imperium Magazine delivers again. Very nice. 

Inquisitor Greyfax (Repaint)

I took some time to strip Inquisitor Greyfax (oi oi) and repaint her a little more carefully than the first time, also making sure to put her on her intended 32mm base. The base still needs to be dry-brushed but I'm sure I'll get around to that... right? If you want to see her original paint job, I featured her as an example in my Martian Terrain Basing tutorial a few months ago.


Winter Apocalypse

This month, I've alsobeen able to get in my normal weekly game down at the club, including a massive 7-person Apocalypse-sized game that took all day and featured some questionable rule choices in the name of the Rule of Cool but it was super sick! Plenty of knights, titans, walls of tanks, wraithknights, and a sizable Black Templar force (reinforced by some loaner dreadnoughts) fighting for the centre of the table. 

Free super-heavies, 30 Command Points per turn, and the ability to bring back characters and super-heavies at the start of each round, while not being the most competitive method of play, made for absolute carnage and was a ton of fun when combined with baked goods and alcohol. 

Check out the pics below:

Closing Statement

As always, big things on the way. Still plenty of ideas and projects in the pipeline so stick around for that. Within the next few days you should be seeing a rework of 'Crossing the Rubicon: Primaris Vanguard Veterans' from back in May, since I feel as though the it could have been more informative. Stay tuned for that! 

Additionally, you may have noticed we're a .com site now! Fistful of Beans now has it's own domain. All the previous blogspot links should still work fine, redirecting to here, regardless, but hey, it scratches the itch. There has been an uptake in traffic since so it's clearly done something.

As always, thanks for the support and thanks for reading!



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