Thursday, November 4, 2021

Monthly Vox: 6 (October, 2021)

 Hey all! It's that time of the month again!*

October saw some awesome Warhammer releases including, but not limited to, the Black Templars box. Naturally, I was there for the pre-orders and, after some Sergeant Castus-related delays, the box arrived to my joy. While, I'm still not finished painting it up, I have had a few games with the new codex and I must say, I'm rather happy. I will be releasing a full competitive codex analysis at some point, to the best of my abilities. 

For now, take a look at what I hobbied this month!

Modelling and Painting

Emperor's Champion, Reynauld

Easily my favourite model in the boxset, I used the release as a perfect time to renew the appearance of the Gannach Crusade Emperor's Champion, Reynauld. I opted to grab a few nameplates from Versatile Terrain due to their custom name orders and I'm very happy with the result. Expect to see many more nameplates on here in the future. It certainly looks nicer than crudely writing names on the bases with a brush.

Bladeguard Sergeant, Klaus

October has been a month for remodels. Klaus, combined with a few other small projects has lead to me prying a variety of shoulders and heads from their still-painted models, mostly because I'm too lazy to buy more IPA and strip them, but hey! Klaus has always been a badass on the tabletop as a Bladeguard Sergeant. However, the new templar rules have made Bladeguard so damn good! As such, I deemed it needed to make him a bit more interesting than the standard Bladeguard veteran model so I transferred his head to the heavily converted body of the Captain from Imperium Magazine. 

While I am happy with him, I still need to give him a new shield and I may swap his arm for a magnetized one so I can give him a Plasma or Heavy Bolt Pistol, though I normally run Neo-Volkites on my sergeants anyway.

Hellblaster Squad

Another remodel. I opted to rejigger my E2B Hellblasters from Know No Fear. I barely used them before and needed some incentive to get them on the table so I stripped them down and remodelled them a little. I am opting to use Mk3 Helmets in my crusade to represent non-Gravis heavy-explosives/plasma specialists like Hellblasters and Grenade Launcher Intercessors. 

Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessor Squad

After over a year of just proxying standard bolt-rifle intercessors, I just had to get some actual Auto Bolt Rifles in my army. As such, I decided to use the left over Assault Intercessor bodies from my recent addition of Primaris Vanguard Veterans. These guys will also be used to fill out any Primaris Crusader Squads I plan on running as an alternative to a standard intercessor squad. I currently haven't built any of these guys with grenade launchers because I don't have the bits and, to be honest, I can handle having one standard bolt rifle with grenade launcher in a unit of Auto Bolt Intercessors. Even my strict adherence to WYSIWYG can't be assed worrying about troop choices. That being said, the sergeant is fully magnetised. 

Closing Statement

That's pretty much my whole October. Very little of particular interest in terms of gameplay. No tournaments or special events this month and I continue to have weekly games at my local club :) 

I've been super busy with work and university so apologies for the content drought. That Templar codex analysis is coming so hold on in there! I've got more stuff coming fairly soon along with a potential big step in my life but we shall have to see about that. 

In the meantime, go and follow my Instagram (@fistfulofbeans) for smaller, albeit more-frequent, news and updates, as well as general memes and junk.

Until next time...

*Yes, yes, I know it's late. Shut up.

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