Sunday, January 23, 2022

5 Months Later, Is Warhammer+ Worth the Money?

 So WH+ Dropped about 5 months ago and while some people were sceptical, or even angry, about the platform at first, it's evident that it's here to stay. Warhammer+ has kept it's promises of drip-feeding weekly content to its two major platforms: Warhammer TV and the Warhammer Vault, the latter of which they have done an exceptional job filling with a variety of content and lore. The prior, not so much. 

Warhammer TV has seen weekly releases that have varied from exciting to downright pathetic. Obviously animation and writing are things that take time but with upwards of three simultaneous series on the go, it feels like we should be expecting more each week. Some weeks users can expect to see a new episode, or even two, of one of the series featured on the platform like the gritty Angels of Death, the short stories of Hammer and Bolter, and a Battle Report, and others we'll be lucky to get a single 10-minute guide on base-coating skin, and then putting some shade wash on it. 

Warhammer TV still has a lot of potential as well as some genuinely good content once it arrives. It's particularly it's weekly release schedule that leaves a lot to be desired. If you are considering picking up a subscription this month just to binge-watch the last 5 months worth of content, I heavily encourage it. Angels of Death, for instance, has a combined total runtime of about 3 hours, allowing it to be watched like a long film. Hammer and Bolter (similar runtime) utilises individual stories that are totally independent of each other making them perfect for a lunchbreak or bus ride without leaving a moreish taste in your mouth. All in all, at present, Warhammer TV can be binged, in its entirety, in a weekend or even a single day. 

However, you probably aren't going to want to watch everything. I for one, am not going to sit there and watch endless trailers back-to-back, and the 'Best of Citadel Colour' series has very little for me as an intermediate painter (and can also be found in it's entirety on the Warhammer YouTube channel..)*. You should consider this when subscribing. 

A subscription to Warhammer+ also gets you access to Games Workshop's official Warhammer list-building apps. If you plan on subscribing with the main intent of utilising these apps then I would not encourage it. You are clearly not of sound mind and that money would be put to better use like medication or a private psychologist. Alternatively, go ahead. I'd feel safer knowing you couldn't afford as much ammunition for your inevitable mental collapse.

(Still not alphabetised. Still no search bar...)

In conclusion, is it worth it? Yes! There's a decent chunk of content on both of Warhammer+'s two platforms and it's definitely worth a month's sub. It's mainly Warhammer TVs weekly release schedule that feels a little lack-luster so I would only encourage repeated monthly subscriptions if you feel like you'll spend a lot of time on the Warhammer Vault, as I do. 

I hope this helped some of you make an informed decision. This month's Vox will be coming probably sometime next week and that Black Templar Codex review is on it's way, I swear!



*I do, however, make a lot of use out of most of the 'Citadel Masterclass' tutorials  when they release as most of them cover intermediate topics that can be applied to almost any model.

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