Friday, March 25, 2022

Big 40K Reveals at Adepticon 2022! (Chaos Marine Codex Finally Announced! TWO WOUNDS!)

Hey all!

This year's Adepticon saw some fantastic reveals in the world of Warhammer miniatures with practically* every major system getting some love. That being said, this article will be focused mainly on the new additions to the 40K setting, including Necromunda and Horus Heresy, for no other reason than my bias towards grimdark sci-fi. No shade to AoS and Underworlds intended. So, let's get into it!

Necromunda: Ash Wastes

After getting a glimpse of Ash Wastes back at LVO a few months back, we finally got some more info on life outside the hives with the announcement of a new box! The box features two factions, the Ash Waste Nomads, complete with their beady red Jawa eyes and rebreathers that hopefully offer some resistance to the new environment rules, and the House Orlock Prospectors, here with their dune buggies to put the new vehicle and mount rules through the ringer. 

The new box comes with all the new models for these two factions, as well as the necessary templates and dice, and a brand new rulebook. I, for one, think that these Nomads are begging to be converted to cultists of chaos with the rebreathers and patchwork of equipment giving them a noticeably Death Guard vibe.

While no specific date has been given, Games Workshop said they'll be taking us on a larger tour of the Ash Wastes Soon™.

Chaos Knights

This year's Adepticon saw the reveal of some fantastic Chaos Knight's announced with a cheeky fake-out announcement trailer. Revealed were two new classes of Chaos Dreadnought, the Karnivor, aptly named with it's canid appearance, and it's "bigger brother", the Abominant! The latter of which is simply screaming for a patented Slaanesh makeover. I mean, just look at those damned tentacles!

Of course the biggest announcement here is the reliable sourcing of birds for the bits box new Chaos Knights codex and accompanying Imperial Knights codex, as well as the release of a Chaos Knight's army set box. Personally, an "army set" for Knights seems a little redundant to me but at least a potential buyer will be able to grab a few accompanying War Dogs for their Knight House.

The Horus Heresy

30K fans rejoice! A new edition of one of GW's most overlooked systems is on it's way down the pipeline, complete with a new logo.

This announcement saw the relase of a cinematic trailer that is currently #27 on YouTube's trending list as of writing this. Needless to say, it looks stunning. I can only hope we see this level of quality on upcoming Warhammer TV releases.

There isn't much to say on this until we get more info at a later date. For now, all we can do is pray its good and watch the hell out of that cinematic!

However, we did get to see some brand new miniatures! It's great to see more firstborn models with decent proportions. It's also nice to see designers straying from the iconic "power squat" most firstborn and heresy models tend to have. The bulkier Praetor model with the power axe would make a wonderful addition to my Emperor's Children warband or, with a little adjustment, my Black Templars!

Chaos Space Marines

Ladies and gentlemen! We're witnessing the end of an era. The iconic meme of Chaos Marines still having 1 wound a year and a half after their loyalist counterparts got bumped up to 2, can finally be put to rest. Through a bit of cheeky trolling on GW's part it has been confirmed that Chaos will finally be getting their second wound, likely alongside their new codex. 

Of course, similarly to the Space Marines at the beginning of 9th edition, this will have ramifications within the rest of the codex, notably points costs. I anticipate large model cost increases among infantry, and rightfully so.

So, that's that! A (very) brief summary of Adepticon 2022's 40K releases. Apologies to the Sigmar (and Bloof Bowl) fans but I don't know enough about the fantasy setting or Blood Bowl to really comment. I'm sure when I'm educated a bit more I can provide some proper insight. Until then, I'll mainly be focusing on the adventures of Johnny Space and his Merry Mutants!

Also, expect March's Montly Vox within the next week, among potentially some other surprises! 

So, what do you think? Are you excited for a new edition of Heresy? Perhaps you're nutty for Necromunda! Lemme know in the comments or over on the various Fistful of Beans socials.

Until next time...


*Sorry Titanicus and Aeronautica players but you don't count...

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